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Natural materials at GrueneStoffe.de
Our selection of natural fiber materials “Naturals” comes without a lot of frills. In this selection we concentrate on the classic elements from weaving. Some are a little more rustic and some are light and delicate natural materials for decoration. The colors white, beige and natural are in the foreground here; many of the natural materials are undyed and natural as well as purely plant-based. Our noble naturals are available as small, woven patterns. Here, classic textile designs such as herringbone, bicolor, atlas, ottoman or half panama are waiting to be processed by you in a beautiful, natural style. The...
Fabric orientation - fabric width vs. fabric height
We often get the question of what the difference is between fabric width and fabric height in our decorative fabrics. For better guidance, we have written this article to give some clarity to the topic. We generally differentiate our fabrics into decorative width and room height. Decorative wide fabrics are between 135 cm and 160 cm wide and floor-to-ceiling fabrics are between 280 cm and 320 cm high. For decorative wide fabrics, the fabric width is fixed and you can choose what length your fabric panel should have. The following image shows the pattern of a decorative wide fabric. Floor-to-ceiling...