Dot fabrics

Decorative fabrics with dots

Everything revolves around 360 degrees here. has a fine selection of fabrics with dots and their relatives ready for you. Here you will find a fine overview of our polka dot fabrics, which are available by the meter.

Great materials with dots and circles

We are specialists in natural fiber fabrics and offer a beautiful selection of decorative fabrics with dots and circles made from cotton and linen as well as a mixture of these fibers also known as half-linen. Our range includes a large selection of polka dot fabrics in organic quality .

These include robust canvas fabrics with dots and circles made of organic cotton, silky soft satin fabrics or decorative Panama and half-Panama fabrics.

Various dotted designs.

Modern and creative is how we would like to describe many decorative fabrics with dots. The creativity with which the half-linen decorative fabrics were created based on the Bauhaus style is unique. The Bauhaus style is known for its clear structures and lines. This series comes with motifs such as circles and semicircles, which are extra large and printed on a fine linen-cotton fabric. The exquisite selection is available in 5 different retro colors. Fine dots and dots in a watercolor look are available as digital prints on Panama and canvas fabric. With straight lines, graphic and geometric dot motifs such as circles and ellipses are available as patterns. Inspired by tile patterns, elegant graphic designs with dots are available by the meter. If you like mandala motifs, you will find a fine dotted fabric selection that is reminiscent of mandala art. If you like something a little more subtle, there is a series of fabrics with cute little dots and delicate dots.

What to sew on polka dot fabrics?

The area of ​​application of our dotted decorative fabrics is very versatile. Our extra-wide fabrics with a width of approx. 280 cm are ideal for bed linen, curtains and upholstery where decorative fabrics with particularly wide dimensions are required. The advantage is obvious, because no panels have to be sewn together and no unsightly seams are visible when the individual panels are attached. The simple wide fabrics with dots can be used to sew great covers for furniture, bedspreads, table runners, curtain scarves or decorative cushions that are real eye-catchers.

If you have any questions about our decorative fabrics with dots, we are happy to help you at any time.